Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Dust ridden road, feet walking kicking up clouds of earth to be inhaled; catching in eyes to burn and send streams of water down cheeks.

Refuse mountain ranges litter the landscape.  Boulders of struggle, pain, poverty and despair form foothills.

Tracks of noise and disruption bring visions to hopelessness creating a way in and out for others, not for insiders whose eyes can see the way out but not get there. 

Bare bones of tin; house of cards, overwhelm roads spilling over souls to streams of sewage odoring even air not deserving to be clean. 

And yet, as I walked that track and stopped along the road, my eyes changed.  Tears from dust quickly became tears of compassion in speaking to ones whose lives are filled with nothing less than vision and hope to change things.  Those who will not let community be forgotten. 

God help us not forget those whose lives and circumstances are so incomprehensible by us.  Help us see beyond dirt, disease, disaster, and look into  eyes that (like us) are a reflection of you.



  1. Erin,
    Thank you for allowing us to see the world around you as it truly is. Erin, as we pray for God's eyes and how He sees the world, we also need to pray for God's grace to allow us to accept how the world really is and enable us to carry out God's will as we try to meet the overwhelming needs of this world. Grace and Peace to you all. Thank you for being there in our stead.
