Today was a tough day. We had to spend some time readjusting our expectations and reminding ourselves that the world is a broken place and we are called to be a part of redeeming it regardless of what we run into along the way. Several members of the team have taken turns being sick. Some of the local help have not been incredibly helpful. People we are trying very hard to help and not always thankful and not always ethical. Helping to fix that which is broken requires being exposed to and sometimes immersed in it.
If we were not running into these problems, however, we would have to ask, are we really serving in the right place? If we are seeing brokenness around us, we at least know we are in fact in a place where we can make a difference.
It has been fantastic to have Doug and Tom join us and add humor, energy, and fresh insight to the team. They have done too extractions for at least 76 people so far. Amazing stuff.
We miss team A (Carl, Barb, Kathy, Ari, Elaine, Linda). We've had to alter how we do things a bit to adjust to losing them.
It was magical today to see people get glasses for the first time. The look on a person's face the first time they put on glasses that work is memorable. We think we gave out 150-200 pairs today. We never bothered to count.
What a day. We crashed a bit today, emotionally and physically worn out... But tomorrow is another day and we are ready for it. God is good.
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